
BS. Geography GCUF Past Papers for Affiliated Colleges

BS. Geography GCUF Past Papers for Affiliated Colleges

Semester 01

GEO-301 Fundamentals of Geography

ENG-321 Functional English

CSI-321 Introduction to Computing Applications

MTH-321 Algebra and Trigonometry

ISL-321 Islamic Studies / Ethics

IRS-301 Introduction to International Relations

Semester 02

GEO-401 Human Geography

GEO-403 Introduction to Biogeography

GEO-405 Principles of Remote Sensing

GIS-401 Introduction to Photogrammetry

Semester 03

GEO-505 Economic Geography

GEO-503 Climatology

GEO-501 Geomorphology

ENG-421 Communication Skills

Semester 04

GEO-507 Concepts in Human Geography

GEO-509 Geographic Thought and Modern Concepts

GIS-505 Spatial Data Visualization

GEO-601 Geodesy

GEO-603 Digital Cartography

Semester 05

GEO-605 Soil Geography

GEO-607 Population Geography

GEO-609 Cultural Geography

GEO-611 Transportation Geography

GE0-613 Geography of Recreation & Tourism

Semester 06

GEO-615 Urban Geography

GEO-615 Urban Geography

GEO-619 Oceanography

GEO-623 Forest Management

Semester 07

GEO-601 Geodesy

GEO-603 Digital Cartography

GEO-611 Transportation Geography

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Semester 08

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