
BS Mathematics GCUF Past Papers for Affiliated Colleges

BS. Mathematics GCUF Past Papers for Affiliated Colleges

Semester 01

ISL-302 Islamic Studies

ENG-321 English-I

MTH-301 Calculus-I

MTH-303 Mathematical Method-I

PHY-325 Physics-I

Semester 02

PST-322 Pakistan Studies

ENG-322 English-II

STT-322 Statistics-I

MTH-302 Calculus-II

MTH-304 Mathematical Method-II

Semester 03

MTH-401 Vector Calculus

MTH-403 Mechanics I

MTH-407 Communication Skill

MTH-407 Number Theory

MTH-R-03 Differential Equation

MTH-405 Introduction to Computing

STT-421 Statistics-II

PHY-425 Physics-II

Semester 04

MTH-402 Metric and Topological Spaces

MTH-404 Differential Equations

MTH-406 Numerical Analysis

MTH-408 Operations Research

CSI-422 C++

Semester 05

MTH-501 Real Analysis I

MTH-503 Complex Analysis

MTH-505 Vector and Tensor Analysis

MTH-507 Algebra-I

MTH-509 Point Set Topology

Semester 06

MTH-502 Real Analysis-II

MTH-504 Algebra-II

MTH-506 Mechanics

MTH-508 Functional Analysis

MTH-510 Differential Geometry

Semester 07

MTH-601 Advanced Group Theory

MTH-603 Advanced Set Theory

MTH-408 Operations Research ​

MTH-603 Partial Differential Equation

MTH-617 Linear Algebra

MTH-604 Algebraic Number Theory

MTH-615 Numerical Analysis-I

MTH-605 Mathematical Statistics-I

Semester 08

MTH-602 Measure Theory

MTH-604 Advanced Functional Analysis

MTH-616 Theory of Optimization

MTH-612 Numerical Analysis-II

MTH-610 Mathematical Statistics-II